Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Problems With My Hotend

I have been trying now to figure out an issue with so little extrusion coming from my 0.2mm nozzle.  The first problem I noticed was that the extruder feed was not moving very fast at all.  This led me to the firmware for the printer and the following changes.

I changed the E-steps setting in the firmware calibration from...

to this value...

And I finally was able to see some movement of the extruder motor during printing.

As a side note, I have learned that my hotend is not being properly cooled.  I need to cool the "heat break" and the print area, while now there is a fan blowing on the whole thing... even the heater block.

As soon as I am able, I will print a fan shroud that can cool both from the 40mm fan I currently have.

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